Finding Abigail: Mother/Daughter Mentoring

Restoring joy to the Father’s Daughters and releasing them to impact the nations.
Today you call me Father. Ask me for the nations. Psalm 2

See Her and Seed Her

The imprint of the divine is in her. It’s in you too.

Your relationship with your daughter is one of the biggest influences on her life.

As she is SEEN and KNOWN at a deep level, her true authentic self { God Image} emerges.

As a parent, you can SEED her by your presence and connection (YOU ARE VALUABLE),

cultivate a safe home and advocate for safe school environments,

(YOU ARE SAFE) call out her gifts (YOU ARE UNIQUE),

celebrate her victories (YOU ARE SEEN),

and for no reason at all (YOU ARE ENOUGH)

empathize with her struggle (YOUR EMOTIONS ARE REAL),

position her to encounter God (HE IS THE ANSWER),

set limits ( I CARE ABOUT YOU), be consistent (YOU CAN TRUST ME), model generosity (PREVENT ENTITLEMENT & BIRTH GENEROSITY),

and be her champion (YOU MATTER TO ME.)

May you find that in seeking to love your daughter well that you connect deeply with the beautiful little girl inside of you that needs all of these same seeds.

SEE HER & SEED HER: The path to healing requires self compassion and its the path back to her original design - and yours too.

Why Finding Abigail?


The name Abigail means the Father’s Joy! How differently we would all (mothers and daughters) live from this identity of being the joy in the heart of the Father. The struggle with identity or being enough or striving would cease because our truth would reign! We are more than enough - we are His Daughters and He takes great delight in us (Zeph 3:17). Take this truth in for a moment. You are delighted in by the Father and so is she.

We desire that all women (young and mature) would have access to resources to heal emotionally and grow spiritually. How differently our daughters would live if -while their brains are still developing- we could help them process ungodly beliefs about themselves and seed them with the truth of who they are.

I wholeheartedly believe that we are not seeing the Word of God manifest in our lives, because we aren’t living out the calling and authority that comes with the revelation that we are the Daughter’s of God! It’s time we take back the identity that is our inheritance not only for ourselves, but for our generations.

While you may not be as familiar with Abigail as you are Esther, Deborah or Ruth, Abigail possess a unique set of giftings that we believe are being awakened in this hour. She was a woman of strategy whose voice saved her people. She acted as a priest and prophet and ultimately becomes the bride of David.

The ACE study -a landmark study of 17,000 people- showed us clearly that our childhood experiences shape our brains, our immune systems and our life expectancy. Rather than living from the Father’s identity, most of us are living from negative life experiences. The data is so compelling that something must be done to intentionally interrupt the cycle and restore the Daughter’s of God to the Father and release them with voices that impact the nations (like our beloved Abigail) be it from God orchestrated platforms or hidden away in prayer closets. These ones will know that it doesn’t matter where He places them because He is the desire of their heart not a position in the earth.

The vision for Finding Abigail for Mothers/Daughters will include:

  • Video Teaching

  • Mother / Daughter Mentoring and Coaching

  • Retreats

  • Educational Programs for Schools and Churches





To continue the journey with Mothers & Daughters, say YES!