Masters in Counseling, PLPC, Pastoral Counselor
National Conference Speaker, Church Planter, Bible Teacher,
Somatic Trauma Therapy, Christian Healing Ministries
Life Coach, Mental Health Crisis Coach

Rochelle’s Story…

After encountering God in 2006 through a miraculous healing of pregnancy induced heart failure, Rochelle responded by laying down her pharmaceutical career and lifestyle and following Jesus fully. The doors quickly opened for her to share her story on a national platform as a conference speaker at Christian Women’s Events. This led her to author a children’s series “Sweeteas” and women’s inspirational books: He Gave Me Pearls & Becoming Whole: For Such A Time As This. Her story of being lost in the church birthed her passion to WAKE UP THE CHURCH, and put faith back in a God who heals today! Her desire for revival led to a community student movement in her back yard that ultimately birthed the first multicultural nondenominational church in her city.

Due to the rapid growth of the church, she halted travel to lead the move of God as the Executive Pastor. Rochelle quickly saw the need for not only healing and growth in the body of Christ, but also in ministry leadership in and outside of their church. Seeking tools to help see lasting transformation, she studied healing prayer, psychology, freedom ministry, somatic healing, and trauma informed practices. After attending One Week Intensive for Pastors and Counselors with Drs Henry Cloud & John Townsend, she decided to get her Masters in Counseling under Dr. Townsend.

After a devastating season of loss in 2020, she came to know intimately the dark night of the soul and was uncertain if she would even survive the season. The beauty of such great suffering is that it led her to find greater connection with the divine presence within and she would see reality of becoming the resting place of God. Rochelle is now passionate about helping others find their path out of these seasons stronger in the broken places and connected more intimately to the good Father. Now as a counselor and a survivor, she is also passionate about helping ministry leaders live, love and lead well to honor God not only in ministry but in their home. She has great desire to create church culture that honors God, help Christian Marriages honor God, and to minister to pastors and pastor’s wives knowing intimately the lonely life of leading ministry.

Speaking Topics & Retreats

Rochelle welcomes event topics and themes.

  • Waking Up

  • Dark Nights Become Resting Places

  • Marriage CPR

  • Live, Love, Lead WELL

Live, Love, & Lead WELL

Church Event, Women’s Retreat, or Ministry Team Intensive

“The earth waits with eager expectation for the

children of God to be revealed.”

Romans 8:19