A 63 Day Experience

Join Me on a 63-Day Journey to
Rediscover Your Identity as His Beloved

I believe this is a divinely appointed time. From Passover to Feast of Trumpets, the Father has been orchestrating this season of release.
I see the hearts of women longing for something more, and He is drawing them into the wilderness—to reveal the hidden chains that bind our hearts and to awaken our true identity as His beloved. He is what you are longing for, and I believe I have a blueprint to guide your heart back to His.

Through a combination of spiritual and psychological practices, parts work, and prayer, we will position you to encounter His presence and experience transformation. This 63-day journey is designed to help you break free from the slavery of the heart and rediscover your true essence as cherished by Him. It is also to position you in this unique hour in history.

The earth longs for you to WAKE UP and take your place.

You are worthy. You are loved. You are His Sanctuary.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey?
Let's walk this path together and embrace the divine love and identity that await you.

  • WHY 63 DAYS?

    Psychology and theology support that transformation happens by the renewing of your mind. It takes 63 DAYS to rebuild brain pathways, and there are 63 days from August 1 to the FEAST OF TRUMPETS. And He returns for His bride at the sound of a trumpet
    You’ll learn more about the significance of this season in our launch video. Additionally, the 63rd Psalm contains another key to Bridal revelation - longing!

    Through psychological and Biblically based PRACTICES, PARTS work and PRAYER, I will guide you on this transformative journey. I will seek to position you for His PRESENCE. I pray you will be stirred with longing and you will cultivate practices that WAKE YOU up to who you really are. You are worthy. You are loved. You are His Sanctuary.

    Prepare your heart! Fragrance yourself!

    For Such A Time As This!


    Psychoeducation with Spiritual Formation (Therapy & Jesus) + Practices + Parts Work

    Thessalonians 5:23
    May the God of peace sanctify you
    spirit, soul, and body.



    VIDEO CONTENT : Therapy & Jesus
    Song of Songs, Hosea 2, Hebrews, Matthew 25, Matthew 22:2 and Ephesians 2:22

  • 21 Spiritual Daughters Immersion

    Rochelle will separately take 21 women through the process coupled with one-on-one sessions, private prayer, groups, and gifts to guide the season.

    2 (50 Minute) Sessions each month Aug/Sep
    Private Group
    Consecration & Blessing

    Gifts: Journal, Personal Prayer, Anointing Oil from Christine Vales, and a 222 Bracelet.

  • The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God's glorious sons and DAUGHTERS.

    Romans 8:19 TPT

  • And he (Yeshua) will send his messengers with the loud blast of the TRUMPET and with a great voice they will gather His beloved.

    Matthew 24:31 TPT

  • And those who were ready and waiting were escourted inside with him and the wedding party to enjoy the feast.

    Matthew 25: 10 TPT

  • I long to bring you to my innermost chamber- the holy sanctuary you have formed within me. O that I might carry you within me!

    Song of Songs 8:2

Sweet friend,

I have such desire to share the messages I have learned from meeting God in the darkness, and I am honored to guide you on this 63 Day Journey with expectation that you will rewire to His Truth about you: You are Loved. You are Worthy. You are His Sanctuary.

We will be using The Passion Translation to look at Song of Songs and Hebrews. We will cultivate practices aligned to heal while positioning you to gather oil. Get your hopes up…it is the anchor to your soul that takes you behind the veil where Yeshua is!

I believe this is an appointed time! Don’t miss what is happening in the earth this hour in history. #Forsuchatimeasthis